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Introducing Our Newest Instant Lottery Game: The Challenge

Play Against the Computer We’re thrilled to announce the latest addition to our instant lottery game family. Get ready for a faster and more entertaining experience with our new game, where you’ll be pitted against the computer. As always, our commitment to verifiable randomness remains at the core of this new offering. Faster and More Exciting Our new instant lottery game is designed to deliver an adrenaline-pumping experience. By playing against the computer in matches of less than 60 seconds, you can expect quicker gameplay than our classic lottery. At the heart of our gaming philosophy is the assurance of verifiable randomness. Even as you compete against the computer, you can trust that the same level of randomness that defines our games is upheld. This means you can play with confidence, knowing that every outcome is truly unpredictable and fair. Tokens Buyback In this latest instant lottery game, a small house fee is introduced, which will be all allocated to the LOTTOR tokens buyback. This initiative is designed to bolster the token’s value and distribute profits among all coin holders. By adopting this approach, we aim to create a system where the gains are shared across the entire community of token holders, reinforcing our dedication to fairness and inclusivity in gaming. Try the new game today at

Super-Size Your Rewards: NFTs Bring a 50% Boost to Your Wallet!

The liquidity pool is growing, and so the rewards are decreasing, that’s life, deal with it. But what if you’ve grown accustomed to those high rewards? Well, remember those beautiful but seemingly useless NFTs you can win by playing LOTTO RACE? They are still beautiful, and now they are far from useless. In fact, starting today, if you have any of these NFTs in your wallet at the time of the LP rewards distribution the amount is increased by 50%. There are still over 70 of them to be won, and every day one lucky player wins one. So, go for it! Remember, the odds of winning one are the same whether you play with a lot of money or just a few cents. Having more than one is not useful, and in the future we will not provide any advantages for having more than one. So if you find yourself with an excess, feel free to sell them off, make a profit, and make other players happy.

Enhancing Variety: Introducing the New Daily Token Rotation in LOTTO RACE

The LOTTO RACE project aims to be highly inclusive of various tokens on the Algorand network. It seeks to engage the numerous active communities within this space. However, the challenge arises from the fact that each active coin generates rewards in the native LOTTOR token, making it problematic to have more than 5 or 6 active coins at a time. The solution to this issue lies in the coins rotation, where only 5 coins will be active each day, selected from a slightly larger rotating list. This approach does not entail accommodating hundreds of projects; rather, it involves a few highly curated projects with a more open attitude towards emerging and interesting projects that it would be a shame to turn down.

Slight changes in lottery rules

Starting from 00:00 UTC on December 16, 2023, the rules of the lottery game will undergo a slight change. The new rule will require that the six numbers chosen for the lottery ticket must all be different, unlike before, where duplicates were allowed. This change has become necessary due to the discovery that, although the maximum score (528) is achievable with any number sequence, there are sufficiently high scores that can be obtained with certainty by playing many identical number sequences. This would favor those who use scripting for massive plays over those who make individual random plays. This change aims to ensure a fair gaming experience for all participants, discouraging practices that could favor some players over others. We are confident that this modification will help preserve the integrity of the game and maintain a fair gaming environment for all participants.

Introducing TinyMan LOTTOR-ALGO Liquidity Pool Rewards Program

We are excited to announce our new liquidity pool rewards program. We are distributing a total of 100 million LOTTOR tokens over 24 months, with 137,000 LOTTOR tokens being distributed to liquidity providers every day based on their share in the pool. Our rewards program is designed to incentivize liquidity providers to participate in the TinyMan LOTTOR-ALGO liquidity pool. Whether you are a small or large liquidity provider, you can earn LOTTOR tokens based on your share in the pool. To make it easy for liquidity providers to track their share and rewards, we have launched a new website: On the website, you can monitor your share in the pool in real time and view the rewards you have received. We are committed to transparency and want to ensure that our liquidity providers have full visibility into their rewards. Join us today and start earning LOTTOR tokens! Stay tuned for more updates and announcements.

The NFT collection

Starting December 6, 2023, each unique address participating in LOTTO RACE will have a chance to win one of 100 NFTs drawn daily. The winning address will be chosen from the same DRAND sequence used to determine the lottery winners in that round. The selection algorithm is public and is available here. Each individual address has the same odds of winning, but to make it more difficult to create hundreds of addresses, at the time of the draw the winning wallet will need to hold 10 times or more of the base LOTTOR bet (approximately $5 in value). If a winner is ineligible the NFT will not be awarded and will be raffled again the following day. The official LOTTO RACE collection is verified by ALGOxNFT. The entire collection with the winners is also visible here